
The Benifits of the Puzzle  

  According to the research , olders who regularly participate in word and number puzzles are  found to have sharper brains .The more they play puzzles , the better their brain function becomes .

  One study found that doing crossword puzzles could reduce the onset of dementia by two and a half years .This suggests that mentally stimulating activities may help delay the onset of symptoms , but they don’t by themselves prevent dementia . However , brain puzzles may be considered as part of a more comprehensive dementia prevention program that also involves exercise and healthy eating .

Here are some of the benefits of puzzles :

Improve short-term momory

Solving puzzles can strengthen the connections between brain cells , increase the speed of thinking , and it’s an effective way to improve short-term memory .

Enhance the mood 

Puzzles increase the production of dopamine , a chemical that regulates mood , memory , and attention . When solve a puzzle , dopamine is released .

Make it easier to relax

While it’s tempting to relax by watching TV or reading on your tablet , the body should avoid looking at screens before bed . Puzzles provide a better opprtunity to relax , make it easier to fall asleep and switch off appropriately.

Improve visual and spatial reasoning

Need to look at the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle or the available sapce in the crossword puzzle and figure out how to fit the pieces or words into their spaces. If done regularly, this will improve your visual and spatial reasoning skills .

Relieve stress

With puzzles , can get the same benefits as meditation . The stress of daily life disappears and is replaced by a feeling of peace and tranquility , which lowers blood pressure and heart rate .

Improve logic and reasoning skills

Puzzles are designed to exercise the brain . Crossword puzzles , riddiles , word searches , and logic questions all activate different parts of brain and help you hone critical and analytical thinking skills .

Why not try a puzzle as a family and see for yourself the benefits?

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